
Octo-spective” brings the body of an octopus to the body of a human to alter the perspective of the human’s interactions with the environment. Fabric combined with neopixel LED’s creates an extension of the human body that is inspired by a creature found in nature.

This concept stemmed from the communication of octopi. They change color and demeanours to convey their feelings. This is how they can alert others that they are comfortable or uncomfortable. Humans have to use words and mannerisms which other people don’t always pick up on, since everyone has their own ways of expressing their feelings. This project gives humans the opportunity to communicate in the same manner as octopi.

Interactive Fashion & Altering Human Perspective

2 Week Project, from concept to Final construction

Mood Board

The Code

Simple camouflage techniques were kept in mind when determining LED neopixel communicator colors. There was a relaxed, an alert, and a hiding mode depending on how close something would be to the suit. A rapid moving rainbow light mode represented the octopus being relaxed in it’s surroundings, then a slightly slower moving purple mode showed that it was starting to blend in with its skin color when it is alert that there could be danger around, and then super slow moving blue lights to show complete camouflage. The mode changed when something gets close.

Arduino and Processing were used to code an AT Tiny which was attached to the suit.

The Materials

Smooth, blue, shiny, holographic fabric which resembled a creature that would blend in well with the water and the different angles of light in the ocean, a basic camouflage adaptation of many fish in the ocean.

Wire crinoline to push suit away from body.

Frill edge to add sea creature aesthetic and texture as well as to distract from any wires that would be on the sides of the tentacles.

Suction cups to resemble those on an octopus and when dampened allow the wearer to suction against surfaces.

(Majority of these materials were recycled from previous department projects)


Computer Squeegee